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S4.14 Spell It ‘M-A-N’ March 13, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.

I liked this episodes though it had some major plotholes. But the problems taken up are very interesting.

There are two stories here. Vinnie shares room with a good friend at school and find out that this person is gay. Of course he freaks out, and assume that the friend is coming on to him. However, he get almost offended when he is informed that his friend is not attracted to him, so he doesn’t need to worry.

Doogie on the other hand has dated a new hot nurse a couple of time and now invites her to dinner. That he informes his colleagues and everyone assume there will be dinner and sex. So Doogie put up condoms on the table beside the bed (!) Ok,could to be cautious – but bad to seem presumptuos. Maybe not have them visible… But ok, the girl turn up, eats, and gets confused when Doogie tries to kiss her. I mean, come on even though you are not planning to have sex with a date, you shouldn’t be that surprised if he is into you. There ought to have been some signs.

Ok, back at the hospital Doogie is questioned about the night and leads his co-workers to believe they had sex. This the nurse overhears and her revenge on Doogie is to spread out a lot of rumours about him. For instance that he was impotent.

Doogie realises the mistake and apologize, and they starts to date.

Writers: Nick Harding
Director: Bill D’Elia


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