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S4.22 What Makes Doogie Run March 15, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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The last episode. It’s a very good final episode. It’s really the first episode that I’ve seen that they focus on Doogies feelings, of what he missed out of being a genius. I really wouldn’t want to have my children being that smart. I’ve met one person that was very, very talented and early on finished his university degree. However he was when I met him more like the chess guy and the musician player on the show. It seemed like the social competence was somehow left out in the mix. To be able to understand other people’s feeling.  It can’t be an easy life. Doogie always has his friend Vinnie to keep him in touch with the reality of his age which would be a good way of learning about life. And it’s obvious in the last episodes that Vinnie somehow reach the maturity now so he can give real lessons to Doogie on how to be. Other than an obnoxius teen age boy that is.

Writers: Elaine Aronson
Director: Dennis Dugan

S4.21 Eleven Angry People… And Vinnie March 15, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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Vinnie is on jury duty and has reasonable doubts on the accused guilt. Doogie on the other hand is one of the front men in the campaign for the hospital. In this episode Vinnie is the real hero instead of the comic relief. I think of those I’ve seen it was one of my favourite actually.

It’s easy to judge people beforehand, but sometimes you need to look more into the reasons behind – and sometimes the consequenses.

Writers: P.K. Simonds
Director: Joe Ann Fogle

S4.20 Dorky Housecall, MD March 15, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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This is a follow up on the The Adventures of Sherlock Howser episode. I like the side story about the comic writer making fun of Doogie in different comic strips. However I didn’t like the story about Michelle. I don’t really understand Curly’s response on his Doogies outburst question of what woman wants. What on earth did that had to do with not allowing a woman to have a career? If you are in love  with or interested in a person, why would you want to date another on the side? To find out if there are better options? In what way will it be easier for you to have a career if you ar non-exclusive? Well, spontanuosly I can find some advantages if the dating is with someone higher in the hierarchy?

On the other hand I’m not sure why he is so hang up on this girl. Does he really knows her or is the attraction only that she is beautiful? Is that enough for a woman according to the show?  The episode seem to hint of happy ever after.

Writers: Nick Harding
Director: David Carson

S4.19 Love Makes the World Go ‘Round … or Is It Money? March 14, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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Vinnie tries to get a credit card – but he is rejected. As a protest he closes his account. However, there has been some errors so when he withdraw his money he suddenly has 16’000 USD on the account. He takes the money out – but his conscious bother him so much so he returns the money. Doogie follows him to the bank for the return, and he makes sure Vinnie get a credit card.

Doogie meets a young patient that needs to do her homework. He shows her some experiments – and she falls head over heal in love with him. Doogie doesn’t realise this as first, and he gets interested in the older sister showing up.

Doogie really handles the girl well and gives her a romantic evening.

I like the episode alot, one of the best in a long time it felt.


S4.18 You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby-Sitter March 14, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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Doogie’s babysitter from when he was 10 years old (and attended Princeton…) is visiting. He had a crush on her then – and now as a grown up he is looking forward to meet her again.

They instantly connect – and although she at first sees him as a child, this changes when she sees him in action as a doctor. He tells her about his feeling for her – and although she is interested she turns him down. She doesn’twant to destroy the fantasy.

Vinnie is approaching a famous actor with his script but is disappointed when he doesn’t get a chance – and the actor steal his lines. But Doogie get him to see that it is quite ok when a famous person think it’s worth to steal his line.

I like the Vinnie part – the babysitter for Princeton-Doogie i had a bit harder to buy.

Writer: Nick Harding
Director: Mark Horowitz

S4.17 Love Means Constantly Having to Say You’re Sorry March 14, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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vinnie is still dating Laura – the nurse who prefered him before Doogie. They still haven’t “done it” and she is starting to question why.

And then finally he gets to experience sex. It’s an amazing experience for him.

An actress that is visiting the hospital falls ill. She has visited some exotic places. Doogie is researching every sickness it could be – until he found out it’s measles. Something not many doctors of today has seen.

After the experience with Laura Vinnie starts questioning what she sees in him. And he gets very jealous. He urge her to go out with someone else – and decide she is not committed.

Vinnie is acting more and more strangely and even though Laura accepts his behaviour for awhile it ends due to his mistrust of her.

I felt so embarrassed for Vinnie I really couldn’t like this episode.

Writer: Nat Bernstein & Mitchel Katlin
Director: Craig Belknap

S4.16 The Adventures of Sherlock Howser March 14, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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I wasn’t that fond of Doogies not-exclusive girlfriend. First she was suprised that the guy she had been out with tried to kiss her in Spell it M.A.N and now she can’t understand that he wish for them to be exlusive when they are dating. And when he explain his feeling she gives him to options. Either she moves in with him, or they are free. I mean seriously? Did they get away with that kind of plot at that time and age?

Doogie fantasize of being Sherlock Holmes where he realise that he can’t do this relationship, so in the end they break up.

Writers: Elaine Aronson
Director: Paul Robert Newman

S4.15 It’s a Tough Job … But Why Does My Father Have to Do It? March 13, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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The head doctor dies suddenly and Dr Canfield offers the job to David Howser. He is a bit suprise by the lack of support from his wife and son when he is considering taking the job.

Vinnies father turns up with a new girlfriend, Loray. Vinnie is upset as the divorce is not final yet.

Loray comes over and talk with Vinnie and makes him realise that even if she is dating his father this doesn’t take away what his parents had. And it’s time for his father to think of his own needs.

So Vinnie makes up with his father. And Doogie tells his father to take the job.

OK episode, but not great.

Writer: Nick Harding
Director: Bobby Houston

S4.14 Spell It ‘M-A-N’ March 13, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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I liked this episodes though it had some major plotholes. But the problems taken up are very interesting.

There are two stories here. Vinnie shares room with a good friend at school and find out that this person is gay. Of course he freaks out, and assume that the friend is coming on to him. However, he get almost offended when he is informed that his friend is not attracted to him, so he doesn’t need to worry.

Doogie on the other hand has dated a new hot nurse a couple of time and now invites her to dinner. That he informes his colleagues and everyone assume there will be dinner and sex. So Doogie put up condoms on the table beside the bed (!) Ok,could to be cautious – but bad to seem presumptuos. Maybe not have them visible… But ok, the girl turn up, eats, and gets confused when Doogie tries to kiss her. I mean, come on even though you are not planning to have sex with a date, you shouldn’t be that surprised if he is into you. There ought to have been some signs.

Ok, back at the hospital Doogie is questioned about the night and leads his co-workers to believe they had sex. This the nurse overhears and her revenge on Doogie is to spread out a lot of rumours about him. For instance that he was impotent.

Doogie realises the mistake and apologize, and they starts to date.

Writers: Nick Harding
Director: Bill D’Elia

S4.13 Roommate with a View March 5, 2011

Posted by nphfan in Doogie Howser, MD, Season 4.
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Doogie is planning a New years Eve party. And suddenly he gets a room mate. A model that leased the apartment before it was sold – so she is entitled to live there with him. So Doogie can’t throw her out.So they are stuck together.

So far so good.But living together means that she can use all his stuff, rearrange the furnitures, and invite a lot of people to the party.

At the hospital a patient needs a new kidney and his fishing partner that he known only for a few days offer him his. The patient is angry and suspicious over the kindness.

So, I can understand a stranger reaching out to someone and give his kidney for someone in need.I can’t however understand someone who just takes something without showing any understanding and respect for the person who lived there.

I also can’t understand why people would eat before a New Years Eve party – so the party would have been a failure even if the room mate hadn’t invited a lot persons.

so Doogie learned something. Good for him. Me, I learned that once again if you are beautiful you can get away with anything.

so screw this….

Writer: Mitchel Katlin & Nat Bernstein
Director: Joan Tewkesbury